Tech Trends of 2017

It’s no surprise that with a continuous upgrading of technology, there are big trends coming down the pike. As a photographer and aspiring professional, I need to use these trends to my advantage. The most interesting to me as a photographer is the rise of virtual reality, live videos, and 360-degree images/videos.

Virtual Reality – I’m weirded out by virtual reality more than I am excited about it: It’s a trend that’s hitting us so fast, and those that have read Fahrenheit 451 can probably relate to my nervousness. Virtual reality allows the user to submerge themselves into an alternate experience, whether it be an event on the other side of the planet, a different timeframe, etc.

What I’ve seen from virtual reality so far is fairly shallow, but I anticipate by the end of this year a lot more people are going to be using it, and I’m going to have to learn to accept that. As virtual reality becomes more popular, and certainly more advanced, I will have to learn how to generate advertisements that utilize virtual reality.

Live Video – As any “trend” begins, most people hate it: This was the case for me with live videos. I’ve seen people post live videos of themselves at concerts, brands showing new products, and drag artists doing their makeup transformations. The benefit to live videos is that they engage the audience and allows the video creator to interact with their participants in real time.

Occasionally I make live videos of myself doing makeup: It’s fun to see reactions and make conversation with people in real time rather than seeing how many “likes” you get after the video is published. Live videos create a more authentic experience between the creator and participant.

As I brand my photography business, I need to use live videos on photo shoots or while setting up art shows so my audience can see what work I’m currently making. Live videos are a great way to get people interested, but I believe they should be balanced out with other types of posts as to not become repetitive.

360-Degree Video/Images – This is a trend I believe is going to get better with age, and especially since virtual reality already uses 360-degree video/images. Alongside live videos, 360-degree videos and images are a unique way to see everything at once. The types of content I’ve seen use 360 video/images are concert venues and bands, live events, protests, etc. These videos and images bring you in to an experience as if you are actually there, much like virtual reality.

You feel like you’re actually apart of what you’re viewing, making it an excellent choice for promoting large events and (for myself) photo shoots. Do I think 360 videos/images are going to get old fairly quickly? Yes. Do I think they are going to benefit from the combination of both live content and virtual reality? Also yes.

Technology is always changing, and that’s never going to stop. 2017 is going to bring technological advancements that engage your audience more and allow advertisers/marketers to see what they are or are not doing well instantly. We will be able to learn more about our brands and gain active participation between our fans. It might be weird at first, but technology is going to make advertising a lot easier.

Short and Sweet

This is the post excerpt.

I am an Advertising/PR minor with about a year and a half left of study here at GVSU. Currently I am taking one advertising class, Technology in Advertising and Public Relationsand I anticipate learning a lot from the course. I don’t blog regularly, and I know that blogging has a lot to do with Advertising, so it will be interesting to see my growth throughout the semester.

What I think I’m going to learn:

  • How to write better blog posts
  • How frequently to post
  • What platforms are the best for promoting
  • Social media tips and tricks
  • The best ways gain audience engagement/followers
  • The “do’s and don’ts” of copyright

What I want to learn:

  • Social media trends
  • What types of photos are best for blog posts
  • How to communicate more affectively
  • Publishing a professional self-image
  • Finding what I like to write about

Being someone who just got a smartphone, I’m no social media guru… but I would like to be. I want to learn how frequently to post on social media, especially this blog. I want to know what types of social media I need to operate a consistence online presence, as well as what platforms are the strongest for promoting my photography business.

I know very little about trends. When I do participate in trends, it’s usually way after that trend was really popular. I’m a “late bloomer” in the world of trends, and I’m hopeful that I will learn to follow them more often.

I don’t love writing, except when I’m in the mood to write. I want this class to show me the importance of writing frequently, and how to do so in a professional yet entertaining way. I want to learn what I like writing about and how to channel my creativity through writing.

I don’t doubt that Technology in Advertising and Public Relations is going to be difficult: I might know Photoshop but I don’t know much about blogging. I want to become a more professional individual and learn how to keep up with technology and social media.

This class might not always be fun, but at least I’m going to learn something from it.